Commit to Create

Commit To Create Challenge End of Hour 2

Hi Creative Friends,

Oh wow! I so enjoyed my morning. I started writing at this hour and looked up at what felt like five minutes later and it was time to write this post. Time passes fast and easy when you are in the flow of creativity.

I love it when that happens.

My hope for you is that you had that experience as well.

Telling yourself that you are going to do something and actually fulfilling that commitment to yourself is such a great feeling. Too many times, I will let the promises I made to myself slide so that I can do for others. Not that we shouldn't honor our commitments to others, it is just on a list, I am usually at the bottom.

When I do what I say I am going to do on Mondays, I feel energized for the rest of the day. I feel confident and upbeat and ready to do more. It also is a great way to start my week.

So that's me.

Have a creative day,

Commit To Create Challenge End of Hour 1

Hi Creative Friends,

End of hour 1

How did it go for you? Did you accomplish your goal for the hour? Are you on track?

Mine went well. I did tap on the statements from the first hour but I changed it up a bit. I intend to rewrite those later and post them here.

I am getting some writing done, Baby and it feels good. Cue some James Brown music right here. I feel good. Na na na na na.

See you back here in one fast hour. If you are having challenges, get dear old Blockhead to tell you his or her opinion about the situation and turn the opinions into EFT statements and tap away the negative.


Commit To Create Challenge End of Hour 2

Hi Creative Friends,

Whoo Hoo. I can't wait for you to see the photos. I am going to finish up my art table and then post the before and after photos.

I am humbled by this experience. I can't tell you how high my resistance was to doing this work. On a scale of 1 to 10, it was pegging out at 10.

One might argue, "What does cleaning/organizing your art table have to do with creativity?"

Easy answer: Everything! When you see the before photos, ask yourself, "Is this a pleasant place I could spend some time being creative?" Heck no! This cluttered, messy desk is a physical block to me being more creative. My not wanting to address it is an emotional block to not being more creative.

This block ultimately prevents me from being fully self-expressed. I don't play, make, fiddle, doodle, or meander at my desk. I avoid, resist, procrastinate.

If you read my earlier post from today when I began, what presented itself was disgust, petulance, annoyance and a determination to get out of my commitment. Classic creative resistance.

When I listened to my Blockhead, it was painful to discover how hard I can be on myself for being human. Who do I think I am? That seems to be BH's default mantra.
Thankfully I have EFT to help me release these limiting beliefs.

I gotta run. I do feel energized and I want to finish my task. Can't wait until next Monday and see what gets done.

Here is the finished project: Yipee. You can click on the photo to enlarge.

Have a creative day!
Diana Meade

Commit To Create Challenge End of Hour 1

Hi Creative Friends,

It's 10:00 am central standard time

I am just going to do a quick check in.

I have had some good success with cleaning off my art table.

Here are a few blocks that I encountered along the way:

Even though I don't like throwing things away, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.

Even though I don't want to complete these petty little tasks like putting something exactly where it belongs, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.

Even though it feels like some things are more important in organizing, that my time is too valuable to put tidbits in containers, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.

Even though I don't like to follow through to completion, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.

Reminder phrases:

I've done enough already
You never finish what you start
You don't have enough room for all your crap
You keep bringing stuff in
You don't do anything with what you have
(HELLO, Blockhead!)
You just pretend you are an artist
You haven't done anything creative in months
You are such a looser

(Again, Blockhead thanks for sharing your opinions) (If a real person standing outside of yourself was saying this crap to you, wouldn't you tell them to hit the road? Well, we (you and I) can't ever get rid of Blockhead, but EFT helps turn down the volume on all these lies and poison.

More tapping to do.
And done.

Actually, I feel like going back to my art table. Yay. How did that happen?

Hugs, Diana

Commit To Create Challenge 11-09-09

Hi Creative Friends,

Wow, where did the weekend go? Here I am again for the Commit to Create Challenge.

Today I am a prime candidate for what this exercise is all about. Frankly, I'd rather do something else than what I had committed to myself to do. I could just lie to you guys and you'd never know. Grrr.

Here it is: I have to clean up the dreaded art table. It is a mess. There is no room to work. It has become a dumping ground for stuff that doesn't have a home yet. So here I am dreading it. Hating it. Wanting to go back to bed.

Do you blame me wanting to take a nap rather than facing this mess? Even the cat didn't hang around.

Practice what you preach, honey girl. What is my Blockhead telling me about this project that is influencing all this negativity. Here goes. Take it away Blockhead.

I should already have this done.
If I would put my things away when I finish a project, I wouldn't be in this predicament.

(Excuse me Blockhead, say what you really mean behind these statements.)

You are a lazy slob.
You never finish what you start.
You are so lucky to have a place to create and this is how you treat your space.
You ungrateful wench.
You will never get organized.
Who do you think you are?

Ok, Blockhead, thanks for sharing. I know I've stopped you smack in the middle of your creative flow, but time is running out here.

Well there you have it, boys and girls. Blockhead gets right to the chase with her last zinger, "Who do you think you are?"

If you just want to go clean off your art desk, how are you supposed to fight all this conscious or unconscious thought, feelings, and beliefs rattling around in your head? The line of bull that Blockhead puts out is an amazing tribute to negativity. No wonder, going back to bed is preferable.

Here is my EFT process to eliminate this block.

Even though I am a lazy slob and I will never be organized, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself. (set up phrase)

reminder phrases:

I hate cleaning up
I'll never be organized
I'm a lazy slob
My mother thought so
I never kept my room clean
There must be something wrong with me
You ungrateful girl
Who do you think you are
Why do I have to do this
Why doesn't someone else do this for me
I'll never get it done

Ok, I just tapped those statements out. And a new one popped up.

I feel punished when I have to clean

Even though, I feel like cleaning and organizing is punishment, I deeply and completely love and forgive myself.

You're a bad girl
You are such a lousy housekeeper
If you cared, you would clean
You should be punished
Who do you think you are
I don't want to do it
Sloppiness is my rebellion
You can't make me do it and like it
I'm such a bad girl
I didn't do other bad things
I was really a goodie two shoes
I just kept my room messy to piss you off

Now, I'm getting it. I am mumble mumble years old and I am still trying to aggravate my mother by not cleaning my room.

I don't clean, organize, create a loving space for myself to work in because I am still fighting this fight with my mother. I was such a "good girl" in high school that my only rebellion was to exert some control over my life was to create bedlam in my bedroom. Clothes on the floor, loud music to annoy others, can't find the bed to sleep in; you have the idea.

Ok, it's time to do the thing I committed to do. I have some tapping to finish first, but I already feel more inclined to get busy. Odd? Coincidence?

See you in 45 minutes.
