Commit To Create Challenge End of Hour 2

Hi Creative Friends,

Oh wow! I so enjoyed my morning. I started writing at this hour and looked up at what felt like five minutes later and it was time to write this post. Time passes fast and easy when you are in the flow of creativity.

I love it when that happens.

My hope for you is that you had that experience as well.

Telling yourself that you are going to do something and actually fulfilling that commitment to yourself is such a great feeling. Too many times, I will let the promises I made to myself slide so that I can do for others. Not that we shouldn't honor our commitments to others, it is just on a list, I am usually at the bottom.

When I do what I say I am going to do on Mondays, I feel energized for the rest of the day. I feel confident and upbeat and ready to do more. It also is a great way to start my week.

So that's me.

Have a creative day,