Google Art Project

You may already know this but I didn’t and I am just about to pop to share this with you.
Do you remember when Google sent their Street View camera crews up and down your city and took a photo of your house with your neighbors garbage can blown over in your drive way and posted it on the web for the world to see?

Well, Google has sent those same cameras to 17 art museums around the world and this time they let them know they were coming and oh boy, you’ve just gotta see some of the results!

I am including some of the videos at the end of this article and you can check out how it works at .  The project is a boon for folks who might not be able to get across the ocean for a visit or who seldom change out of their pajamas.  Selected works are highlighted and some are even a part of a new technology that photographs so close that you can see the brush stokes in the piece at a way you can bet you haven’t seen from behind the velvet rope.

You are also able to have control of how you view the inside of the museum and Google has given you extra goodies, like info from the museum and the ability to share your discoveries with others to make the experience even better. 

I’m sorry.  I can’t linger here. I’ve got at date with an artist at a famous museum!