This video will Energize Your Creativity!

"The Creativity Bill of Rights."

Do you love mixed media artwork, art journaling, collage, and mono-printing on a gelli plate?  Does altered art inspire you to grab something and make it into something else?

Happily you are in the right place.  I am a passionate student of the creative process and a stubborn believer that the capacity to be a creative genius is our birthright.

If you wish you were doing more fun creative projects that make your heart sing, but something holds you back, you are also in the right place.   The number one reason you aren't being as creative as you could be is that someone is violating your creative rights. 

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that someone is you.

Hello Creative Friend,

I'm Diana Meade of Energize Your Creativity.  I made my living as a working artist for almost twenty years and I know that walking the path of creativity can be difficult. 

There are many obstacles to overcome, not the least of which is your own negative self-talk.

The Creativity Bill of Rights was written by me to make a stand against the mean-spirited inner critic that is alive and well inside of all of us.

I know this critical voice so well that I gave it a name:  Blockhead.

This internal critic, Blockhead, is the number one threat to my and your creativity.  Why?  Because obstacles like a lack of time, energy, money or inexperience can be overcome easier than fighting the voice inside your head that sounds like it is telling the truth instead of big fat lies.

Lies that say: 

"You aren't creative enough." 
"You don't know enough." 
"Don't make a fool of yourself."

The internal voice who claims to be an authority on what is and isn't good for you and your creativity can stop you in your tracks from pursuing a great creative dream if you allow it.

You have a right to confident and carefree creativity. You also have a right to enjoy your creativity.

(I know that’s a mouth-full, but isn’t it better than what your Blockhead has to say about the subject?)

Welcome to my home on the web where I invite you to come on in, relax and stay a while.  There is lots of cheer leading here for being the creative genius that you truly are!

Cheering You Artfully On!

Diana Meade