
What You Might Not Know About Duct Tape

The big news in Duct Tape is that it now comes in colors!  TaDa! 

No more are we stuck with plain old silver.  Better still you can even find patterned duct tape from pink polka dot to blue paisley.

Here is a link where you can make your selections right from your very own home.

Then you can check out this website and find all the many projects you can master using your new favorite colors.  There are directions for making 62 projects.  Need a top hat to go with your upcoming Halloween costume?  What about a new pencil holder for back to school?  Yep.  Duct tape.

If you aren't feeling particularly duct tape crafty you can buy already made projects from someone who is.  Here you can find duct tape roses for your sweet heart and a duct tape backpack.

I was in a group of women artist the other day and there was much discussion about this new duct tape revelation.  I am not old enough (ahem!) to remember when they came out with colorful phones, but I am sure it was the same.  Why haven't they done this before?


Let's hear it for duct tape.